Shattered Hearths
For May McClintock and John Mulhern.
Recent posts
Oceans of Consolation
When Irish Australians spoke of ‘home,’ they often called to mind a social environment peopled by relatives or neighbours… The Victorian ideal of home as a f...
Realities of Irish Life: The Ribbon Conspiracy
There are few who have not heard of the Ribbon Soceities of Ireland; those dark and mysterious confederacies which, springing up from tme to time in differen...
Aftermath: A View of Glenveigh Castle…
At last we came in sight of Loughveigh lying cradled among the rocks, and got a glimpse of the white tower of Glenveigh Castle. There is a small skirting of ...
Aftermath: A View of Derryveagh
Since Mr. Adair depopulated Derryveigh, and gave it over to silence, the roads have been neglected, and have become rather difficult for a car. The relief wo...
Leaving Home: On the Road to Exile
On the day they were to set out for Liverpool, a strange scene was witnessed. The cavalcade was accompanied by a concourse of neighbours and sympathisers. Th...