Shattered Hearths
For May McClintock and John Mulhern.
Recent posts
A Suffering Consoled, Explained or Rationalized?
The questions naturally arise, What is man? and, What is life? What can be tghe cause of all tghis? Is it a punishment for our crimes? or those of our forefa...
All creation groans and travails
“All creation groans and travails…” Is the reason Adair first goes to America because Europe, England and Ireland’s Great Cattle Plague was a Threat to his ...
Post-Eviction Ironies: So Stately and Grey
“Where the mountains arise to the oft-changing skies, And the Castle stands stately and grey; Where the calm lake lies still ‘neath that wild ru...
Karma 2: The Fate(s) of Kingsley Porter
KINGLEY PORTER DEATH A ‘MISHAP’ Irish Cornoner Thinks Harvard Professor Fell Off Cliff Into Sea ####Wireless to the New York Times
Karma 1: Cause and Effect?
In 1887, Mrs. Adair raised Rathdaire Church (Church of Ireland) to her husband’s memory. Within a few months time, their grand Rathdaire mansion suddenly bur...