Derryveagh Evictions, full gallery
Gilded Age Psyches: An Epic of Victorians Run Wild
The Derryveagh Evictions - Coillte remembers
A Plaque Too Far...
Players and Places
The Evicted Families of Derryveagh
The Preservers: Keeping Derryveagh’s Memory Alive...
Feared more than God Almighty
A Welcome Down Under: At the Immigration Depot
Derryveagh Evictions
The Adairs of Donegal
The Laois Connection
Poverty in 1841 Ireland
Ireland’s 26 counties
The Great Hunger
Derryveagh: The Eviction Zone
Cromwell’s Impact
Adair’s Homeland
Then and Now: Roads to and from Derryveagh
A Tale of Two Houses
Self-Consuming Consumers
The Saga Begins: A Way to Say Mine
First off the Lot...
On the First Night, and counting...
What the Famine Couldn't Do...
Numbers Alone Cannot Express...
Past Events
The Farewell Speech:...Till a letter comes from you
News Reaches Parliament: Should Adair Lose his Titles?
A Debate & The Vote
Sent to Another Plane of Being...
After the Battering Ram: The Voyage Down Under
Oceans of Consolation
Realities of Irish Life: The Ribbon Conspiracy
Aftermath: A View of Glenveigh Castle...
Aftermath: A View of Derryveagh
Leaving Home: On the Road to Exile
Aftermath: Interview with an Evicted Woman
Preface to a Tragedy: Part Three
Preface to a Tragedy Part Two
Preface to a Tragedy: Part One
Bad Reviews: From the _Times_ of London
500,000 Curses: Cruel John Adair
500,000 Curses Ballad
In place of this fine population is to-day a deer-forest...
Poetic Justice
Assisted Emigration - The Answer to Destitution?
A Suffering Consoled, Explained or Rationalized?
All creation groans and travails
Post-Eviction Ironies: So Stately and Grey
Karma 2: The Fate(s) of Kingsley Porter
Karma 1: Cause and Effect?
Cornelia’s Credo
Adair’s Credo: 'I will, at all costs, maintain my rights'
Depths I Hardly Knew Existed...
Silent Land: Shattered Hearth